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90 Ignorance Citation Islam

It is the hotbed of misunderstanding misapprehension and mistakes. To understand the contemporary world we all need to know something about islam beyond the inane contribution of the attorney general cited above.

27 Citations Revelatrices De Rumi Qui Vous Ouvriront Les Yeux Et

Ignorance citation islam

Ignorance is not bliss. Raw material for a made in usa version of fascism. Fear of the other when the other is muslim is fear of muslims per se and also often of their religion islam so islamophobia.

It is a common islamic claim that the biblical scripture were also originally revelations of the islamic allah but what do muslims and islam know about the bible and history. Citeseerx document details isaac councill lee giles pradeep teregowda. In any case such ignorance is not just a national embarrassment.

Ignorance has repeated and converted into modern forms. Ignorance of islam is incomprehensible today. In this article i shall examine what is meant by and what is the effect of such ignorance and outline an analysis of the process of imaging islam a process that arguably lies at the heart of islamophobia.

Rather they believe in general terms but are ignorant of many of the details. Recently i presented a lecture on islam at a homeland security conference to emergency managers law enforcement officers and military men and women. It is well established that basically these non arabs have grown up in countries and societies where ignorance of many of the rulings and teachings of islam is the norm especially with regard to issues having to do with the sunnahs and also the foundations of tawheed.

At the beginning islam showed the power of transforming ignorance norms to islamic norms in the family environment and truly proved that this power would be remaining all the time.

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